Deploying God’s Resources

As Christians, we believe that God puts money into our hands to steward and to use for His glory. Since God owns everything, our investments aren’t just ours, they are His. Therefore, we must seek His counsel and when He touches our hearts, we must follow where He leads. God has led us to harvest Gold and Silver for His Kingdom, and He brought us people to be part of His team. Our partners have provided the loans needed to harvest Gold and Silver. A single $10,000 loan could generate millions of dollars of profits, which could be responsible for the construction of several new Christian schools. The cumulative impact of our efforts, as a God appointed Team could be the building of a thousand Christian schools. All of us together will decide where billions of dollars of resources will be deployed for God’s glory.

We are people who:

✞ Were led by God to be part of this team,

✞ Helped fund the harvesting of Gold and Silver for the Kingdom of God,

✞ Have a church or charity that we want to bless for a long period of time,

✞ Have a desire to generate additional resources to fund our personal ministries,

✞ Felt led to become part of something bigger than ourselves,

✞ And desire to be part of a God appointed Team blessing Christians.

How does this all work?

First and foremost, this program was not designed for personal wealth building, it was however, designed for great personal enrichment. Each individual determined the amount of their loan after prayerful consideration and reflection. The amount of the loan determined the amount of annual gift matches to our chosen charities and to ourselves. These loans are the engine for generating vast amounts of resources for the Kingdom of God. Everyone became a member of our Team and participates in directing the giving of our resources to Christian organizations. These resources will provide bibles, fund mission trips, fund Christian charities, and build schools and churches.

The returns on each loan are separated into four components:

1. Traditional Investment – This component is a simple loan at 8% interest with balloon payment at the end of 5 years. We are being a good steward of our resources by generating a return on our personal investment.  

Proverbs 13:11 – Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow

2. Charitable Annual Gift – This gift is given by Southern Piedmont Materials to the charity selected by each individual, in the name of the individual, every year the project generates profits. We are sharing the return on our investment with a Christian church or charities that we have selected, without personal taxes reducing the amount of the gift.

Proverbs 3:9 – Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.

3. Personal Annual Gift – The personal annual gift is given to each person/couple for their personal ministry as an additional source of funds to augment their charitable giving to others. The giver decided where this portion goes as they were led, because charity begins at home. God has clearly instructed us in including this individual component, “Get the funds into the hands of the Christians, they will know what to do with it”.

1 Timothy 5:8 – Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than the unbeliever.

4. Cumulative Impact – The remainder of profits is by far the most impactful component of the financial gains made from the loan. Southern Piedmont Materials has been instructed to do a reverse tithe on the Gold and Silver that is harvested. This means that ninety percent of profits belong to God and are to be provided to charities, and collectively as a group, we direct how those resources will be used.  The original loans will be the basis of generating billions of dollars of resources for spreading the Gospel around the world.

Matthew 13:23 – “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

Example – The impact of one $10,000 loan:

✞ The traditional investment will generate $4,672 in interest for each contributor received with the repayment of the loan principle.

✞ The charitable annual gift will generate $10,000 every year to a selected charity and will provide a cumulative gift of $200,000 over the 20-year life of the project.

✞ The personal annual gift will generate $10,000 each year for personal ministry and will provide a cumulative gift of $200,000 over the 20-year life of the project.

✞ The remaining profits, the most impactful part of the total returns, will generate $140,000 for Christian causes, and provide a cumulative $2.8 Million over 20 years.

Together we can make significant contributions to our world, changes that move us and others back to a strong relationship with Jesus. We are so thankful for all of you that have gotten us to where we are now and look forward to the cumulative impact we will have as an appointed team.