
Gold Weight and Saturation

Gold weight and saturation is measured in many ways, the most common are troy ounces (oz), parts per million (PPM), or grams (g).

1 gram is equal to 1 part per million. There are 31.103 grams in a troy ounce. In order to convert ounces to grams, simply multiple the number of ounces by 31.103. To convert grams to ounces, divide the number of grams by 31.103.

Gold Sizing

Gold recovery traditionally relies on gold size and gravity systems to separate it from unwanted material. Size is expressed several ways, usually as millimeters, microns, inches, or mesh. The table below explains each of these measurements. When it comes to fine gold and micro gold, it is important to understand the different ways that size is expressed. Below are some visual comparisons of beach sand and human hair. Below that is the list of common measurements when talking about fine gold size, and a conversion chart. Becoming familiar with these terms will be very beneficial to the reader.