Mine Operation Plan 

Exponentially Increasing the Value of a Mine Asset

            When we have determined that a mine project has profitable amounts of recoverable metals, we take these very valuable mine assets and increase that value at least tenfold. We do this thru the development of a Mine Operation Plan (MOP) including the incorporation of our ETA Technology. After an intense analytical and methodical process developing the MOP we reach a milestone where the asset value increases exponentially and does so immediately. This collection of plans provides everything needed to begin a turnkey mining operation. At this point, the project can either be sold or the MOP can be used to easily raise the required operating funds for the partners to enter into production.

Why does the value of the mine increase so much with a MOP?

            The value is increased because of the dramatic risk reduction to bring the mine into full production. The value of the asset has been proven at this point with demonstrated recovery, rights to mine is secured, and an operational plan for processing. The MOP is also the project’s final Feasibility Report providing the roadmap for production, the capital required, and the profitability. In short, it is the proof the project will be a major success.

What Does a MOP include?

            When we develop a project, we develop it to the point of having a solid operation plan, or in other words the master plan for the project. The MOP is the master plan and contains several components, including a strong Business Plan with a detailed project budget and a step-by-step path forward. It has a Mine Design that includes excavation plans, haul road design, water retention and control, and environmental protections. It includes a well-planned Process Plant Design that identifies each component and its electrical usage, the order of operations, and maintenance requirements. Another component is a summary of all the mine development work done complete with exhibits. The exhibits are the “show your work” portion of the equation and provide the data and results of the Assay / Mapping Studies, an Environmental Study and Environmental Protection Plan, a thorough Extraction Study and a strong Pilot Plant Study that was used to fine tune the plant design for optimum metals recovery. 

            The MOP also includes the required legal documentation that grants the partners control of the project, the rights to mine the property (by either a mine concession, or mineral rights deed, or mine claim, or mineral right lease, or mine contract.), a legal opinion verifying project ownership and all the necessary permits required to begin operation.

            The bottom line is at this stage, all the risk has been reduced virtually to performance risk only, and the MOP becomes strong proof of the mine’s value. Whereas our mine development work has transformed our project from a raw asset with great potential to a proven asset with the hurdles removed and now the mine is exponentially more valuable.