Our Story

Convicted, Committed, Corrected, Perfected

During the summer of 2022, God led us to form our charitable foundation Southern Piedmont Kingdom Builders. We were surprised because that was something we thought we would setup in the future. But He pushed us to do it first. The foundation is a private charity that will distribute the profits earned by two faith-based, family-owned companies with one shared objective: To produce large quantities of gold and silver from mining operations to be used for Kingdom of God purposes. Southern Piedmont Materials is based in the U.S. and is owned by the Roeser family, while 1027 Processing Company is based in Mexico and is owned by the Wadsworth family. Our families have worked hand in hand, for over a decade and we are on track to be generating profits in mid 2023 with 90% going to the charity to be used as God directs.

However, our story starts before the creation of this foundation and these two companies. It starts with the Lord guiding our two families down a path whereas we would meet and then unite to accomplish what the Father desired to be done. Prior to that meeting Sandy, Dena, and Dusty Wadsworth were living outside Montgomery, Alabama, running a successful contracting business and Steve and Susan Roeser were living in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, both enjoying successful careers as Department of Defense contractors. God called both families to work together for His Glory. 

The Barn on the Verbena Property that led Susan to meet with the realtor

The Roeser Family Testimony, by Susan

Convicted and Committed

In 1996, Steve and I were enjoying successful careers working as Air Force contractors. From our first day as a married couple, we were planning for our financial future and focused on avoiding unnecessary risk and debt and saving as much as we could for our future. We owned a home in Ft Walton Beach, FL and concentrated on funding our individual 401K retirement plans, our brokerage accounts, and generating income from a rental house. As part of our early retirement vision, we decided to diversify into raw land and located 108 acres in Ponce de Leon, Florida which we could use as an investment and for recreation. Over the years we acquired more adjoining land, until we held 380 acres, a second home on the property, and a growing timber operation. In 2006, with our boys Tommy and Sam graduating high school we decided we would move to Ponce de Leon full-time that summer. We planned to commute for ten years until Steve turned 56, and then we would retire on the farm. However, God had other plans for our lives and our dreams.

Our best friends had just recently moved to Birmingham and we were looking for a small piece of land somewhere in the middle so we could meet and hunt on weekends. I found a property online in Verbena, Alabama that had a beautiful barn and was calling to me, however it was 533 acres and totally out of our price range. In February, I decided to make an appointment and go look at it with my friend because Steve had no interest in going to look at it, saying “Why would I go look at a property we can’t afford?” I knew I had to go see it even if he wouldn’t go.

The property was beautiful, the barn sitting on a hill in the pasture was exactly what I expected, turkey and deer were everywhere. There was a creek on the property that emptied into Chestnut Creek, which also was the northern border of the property. As I walked along the trail that led to an old gold mine, I paused next to the small creek, beside a massive boulder, and looked up in amazement at the side of the mountain rising 200 feet straight up. It was at this point God clearly told me “This is your land” and I knew the only way that could happen is if God made it happen.  

When I returned home, I was so excited about the property I couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful it was and I told Steve that we were supposed to buy it. Steve repeated that there was no way we could afford it and he really didn’t give it another thought. Two weeks later, I received a call at work from the realtor, he wanted to know if we were interested as he had another party that wanted to look at it. I immediately called Steve at work and told him we need to put in an offer, again he repeated that we could not buy it. It was at this point that I did something I had never done during our 23 years of marriage, I pushed back hard and broke down sobbing saying, “We’re supposed to have this property!”  After walking on the property and feeling like we already owned it, I couldn’t imagine him saying no, we can’t do it. Steve was dumbfounded and said he would try to figure something out, not really believing there was a path. 

As he sat in his hunting blind the last day of hunting season, praying, and asking the Lord “How can I support Susan when we can’t qualify for a loan that large?” Then the Lord revealed a plan to him, a plan that literally required us to put every asset we owned on the line. The plan was all about over-collateralizing the loan and reducing the risk to the bank. It required us to roll two low interest rate land loans, the Ponce de Leon home, and all 380 acres into a mega cross-collateralization loan between Alabama and Florida. Additional collateral was our Fort Walton home that was listed for sale, our 401K retirement accounts, savings accounts, and the standing timber. We would liquidate our stock accounts and deposit $225K into an escrow account that would cover two years of interest, and as we liquidated the other collateral funds, that would go into the escrow account. The loan officer at Farm Credit was intrigued and said he would present it to the Board of Directors. Steve had done everything he could at this point to support me and the direction God had given me, yet he did not believe that Farm Credit would accept our proposal. However, the Board of Directors said yes, they had never seen anything like this before and decided that they would give us a $1.22 Million interest-only loan at 8.5% and a balloon payment at 2 years. We had committed to a loan with a monthly interest payment that was more than our combined incomes, we had to rely on God to make sure the plan succeeded. And provide He did! Over the next 6 years we received what we needed every month and managed to lower the principle by nearly $400,000. I honestly cannot tell you how and where all this money came from, however I can tell you that it was there were when we needed it. 

The Wadsworth Family Testimony, by Sandy

Convicted and Committed

In 1998 we were in the construction business, and we were living my dream for our family. The name of our company was Mountain Movers, LLC and there was nothing our team could not accomplish. We set records and did things that other companies only fantasize about accomplishing. Also, that year I was getting close to the Lord and one day in my bible study I read Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” After reading this I threw my bible down on my desk very hard, as I was upset. This is because I realized that God wanted me to be called according to His purpose, not mine. The problem was that I worked 20 years on a very specific dream, and I was just now seeing that dream become a reality and now the Lord wanted me to surrender my dream to Him. 

At the time Dena (my wife) and I had money, we owned a very nice ranch and home, we owned a thriving construction company, we had a fleet of company trucks (big and small), we owned a fleet of excavation equipment, we owned a residential subdivision that we built, we drove nice vehicles, we were well respected, and I could retire if I wanted. 

Dusty (my son) was 17 years old and for a young man he was doing well. He had a a nice business, where he owned and trained horses (18 horses during this time). He was becoming famous in the horse world, because he was winning state, national, and world equine championships.

Things were just about perfect for our family and then God came calling; He wanted me to trust Him and exchange what I had for what He desired for me. Four months later and after much thought, I made a deal with the Lord. I told Him that I would do whatever He wanted me to do (no matter what it is) if He made His instructions clear to me. Dusty and Dena signed on to the same deal. 

Six years later and after a Job-like experience (that wiped our family out financially) the Lord engineered a series of restoration miracles. The most noteworthy miracle was where the Lord directed us into discovering The Largest and Richest Gold Region in The World, located in Alabama. However, the commercial process to recover this gold did not yet exist, as the gold was micron in form. Meaning it could not be detected with standard assays and could not be recovered with standard processing plant. This is where God called our family to develop properties located within this region and to develop the process needed to recover this gold. 

My position was that I just spent 26 years of my life learning how to be a good contractor and now I am supposed to spend years learning a new and very complicated trade. With our eyes wide open to the challenge and fully understanding that our chance of success was extremely low (earthy speaking), we accepted God’s call, and we expected Him to provide the miracles needed to obtain success. Then in time and by the grace of God we located the Roesers and their Verbena Alabama Property (The Verbena Project). We approached Steve and Susan Roeser about leasing the land in 2009. We desired to develop the project into a mining operation, doing so by completing necessary assays and lab studies, project design, permitting, building mine infrastructure, and building a processing operation. During this visit I asked Steve a simple but profound question, “Who will believe my report?” Steve responded, “I will.” Next, both families were then joined together with a lease agreement. Thereafter, our collected faith in the project and in our God given assignment grew stronger and stronger. Also, with the passing of time the vision became much bigger. 


In time, both families made spiritual mistakes with the original 2009 Lease agreement and its execution. These mistakes were centered on moving forward without adhering to God’s plan and will. Both families had accepted God’s mission, but they strayed from the path He had laid out for them. Susan and Steve sold the property in 2011, thinking that would help get mining operations going faster and alleviate the financial stress they felt not knowing where the payments were coming from, however they did not seek God’s will in this. They had forgotten that God had faithfully provided the way to make the payment each and every month for six years, and the resources needed to pay down on the principle that prompted Farm Credit to renew the loan year after year. God had told Susan “This is your land.” He didn’t mean for a while, He meant for life. 

Sandy was busy raising capital and bringing shareholders into the project. He was instructed to allow a certain investor to become a part of the project but limit his involvement to 238 shares. Sandy was not sure if this was from the Lord or from his imagination. On the other hand, the investor wanted more shares, and the money offer was attractive. Sandy accepted the offer, and that action would almost destroy the project when that investor became the majority owner. This was not what God wanted and with the combination of mistakes from both families, the project ground to a halt, and the lease prevented anyone else from working it until 2021. 

But that time was not wasted as the Wadsworths worked day and night on expanding their mine inventory (proving the value of other mine projects) and more importantly they were developing ETA Technology. This technology would be the key to greatly enhancing the value of the Verbena Mine and the other projects that are a part of our mine inventory. 


Our families would spend the next 10 years waiting for the opportunity to get it right. In the original 2009 deal, the Roesers were to receive a royalty of 4%, and they were excited about how much money this would generate for the Kingdom and they planned out what charities they would support. That was not God’s Plan. In 2021, God revealed to them that the time had come to harvest precious metals for His Kingdom, and He revealed His perfect plan over several months. He wanted SPM and 1027 to be partners to make this happen, where both companies would commit to give 90% of their combined profits to Kingdom purposes. God pulled Steve and Susan out of retirement to work for Him through our Kingdom Builders charity. God also revealed that this was much bigger than any of us could imagine, that we would be harvesting gold in the U.S and Mexico, and that He would provide the Kingdom Builders required to get operational. These people God is sending will be the Stewards of the His resources. He is building us a team unlike anything seen in the business world, because this is God’s Business Plan. This team of Kingdom Builders continues to grow with those that the Lord has appointed and sent to us to oversee the distribution and use of His resources.