Urique Placer Operations

The Urique Placer Operation is centered on the Urique River and the banks that are owned by the Urique Municipality. The operation is composed of a placer Wash Plant to run the bank materials and a dredging operation in the river itself. We started production on June 29, 2023. The plant is fed with a backhoe into a hopper the feeds the Rommel wash plant. The sands are then run through our Gold Hog Sluice creating concentrates. The concentrates are moved to our production facility and run through a shaker table to separate the gold. Based on the findings of grams per ton, we will build a Placer Wash Plant scaled to optimize the operations. Dredging tests will begin after a cash flow has been established from the Placer Operation, and a determination will be made at that time if it will be a profitable enterprise.

Current Status – Production started June 29, 2023 using a backhoe to feed a hopper, a conveyor to feed a trommel wash plant and the Gold Hog Sluice

Exploration – Completed review of Urique River for placer deposits, selected a tributary in the SW quadrant of La Reyna Del Cobre

Assays – Prospecting used to determine grams per ton from placer and from river dredging

Legal Review – Completed, Urique Municipality owns the placer rights along the the Urique River

Pilot Plant – Current production runs being evaluated for improvements and process changes

Concession Rights – Urique Municipality will receive a royalty payment of 10%

Surface Access – Urique Municipality provided

Urique Municipality showing the Urique River and the placer material along the river.